Conference and Technical Session Schedule [word / pdf] 
Registration Form [ Download ]
Submission of Papers
The working language of the conference is English. Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstract of original unpublished work by email to or not later than April 15, 2006. The extended abstract should be in word or pdf format and should not exceed 600 words, including figures, diagrams and data. The extended abstract should contain the title of the paper, authors' name and affiliation, name of corresponding author together with email and full postal address, Fax and telephone numbers. The extended abstracts are to be sent via email only. Full paper are to be submitted only after the acceptance of Extended abstracts. The conference will be conducted in the Langkawi Island (Legendary Island); additional information is available on the conference website. For more information and queries, contact the ICoMMS 2006 secretariat.
Paper Acceptance
Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the author after paying the necessary registration fee. Only ONE paper will be allowed to be presented for each registration. Selected papers will be published in an edited book and in a referred journal.
Author's Schedule
Date Line for Receiving Abstract Extended to: 15th April 2006
Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: 30th April 2006
Date Line for Receiving Full Paper: 10th July 2006
Notification of Acceptance of Full Paper: 30th June 2006
Date Line for receipt of Camera Ready Copy: 31 July 2006