9–10 Aug 2018
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone
Selected papers will be published in AIP SCOPUS Indexed Proceedings.

Call for Paper

All paper should be written in English with a paper length of FOUR (4) to SIX (6) printed pages including figures. The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere.

This conference uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.

Authors must use Microsoft Word and JTEC manuscript template can be downloaded here. All papers must be submitted online via EDAS at: http://edas.info/N24184


Copyright Notice

JTEC Copyright Agreement

The manuscript is herewith submitted for publication in the Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC). It has not been published before, and it is not under consideration for publication in any other journals. It contains no material that is scandalous, obscene, libelous or otherwise contrary to law. When the manuscript is accepted for publication, I, as the author, hereby agree to transfer to JTEC, all rights including those pertaining to electronic forms and transmissions, under existing copyright laws, except for the following, which the author(s) specifically retain(s):
1)All proprietary right other than copyright, such as patent rights
2)The right to make further copies of all or part of the published article for my use in classroom teaching
3)The right to reuse all or part of this manuscript in a compilation of my own works or in a textbook of which I am the author
4)The right to make copies of the published work for internal distribution within the institution that employs me I agree that copies made under these circumstances will continue to carry the copyright notice that appears in the original published work. I agree to inform my co-authors, if any, of the above terms. I certify that I have obtained written permission for the use of text, tables, and/or illustrations from any copyrighted source(s), and I agree to supply such written permission(s) to JTEC upon request.

Please fill in this license agreement and return it to us once your paper is accepted.


If you have any problem in paper submission please contact us:

Phone: +6019-5736310/+604-988 5670,
Fax: +604-988 5098
Email: iced2018@unimap.edu.my
Website: http://scce.unimap.edu.my/iced2018