2–4 Sept 2024
Bertam Resort, Penang, Malaysia
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone
ELECRiS 2024 Conference Submission Portal

Registration & Submission Instruction

Initial Submission for Paper Review


1. First, authors need to submit an abstract through the FrappeHub submission system. Refer to the link below:

2. Click on the "Submit new abstract" tab at the bottom of this page to proceed with abstract submission. 

3. For authors whose abstract has been accepted, please proceed with the submission of your full paper through the FrappeHub submission system. Visit the page of your abstract in FrappeHub. Click "Go to contribution", and "Submit Paper" to submit the full paper for the reviewing process.

4. Note that if the full paper has been accepted, you can proceed with registration and payment. Click "Register now" for payment of your accepted paper.




AIP Proceedings Submission Guideline


1. Submission of "Abstract" and "Full Paper" must be done electronically through the FrappeHub submission system. Refer to the link below:

2. Please refer below attachment for the full paper preparation.

ELECRiS 2024 Author Guidelines for Publication in AIP Conference Proceedings

Template for AIPCP Article

3. Submitted paper should be not less than 6 pages including all figures, tables and references (recommended 6-10 pages), but not more than 10 pages.

4. All submissions will be subjected to blind peer-review by two competent reviewers and should consist of original work that has not been published and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere concurrently.

5. The Turnitin similarity index of the manuscript must be less than 20%.

6. Accepted papers must be presented during the conference to be included in the conference proceedings.

7. A copyright license agreement is REQUIRED for each paper signed by at least one author. It should be send together with the CAMERA READY paper.

Download Copyright Licence Agreement




Journal Submission Guideline


Authors of ELECRiS 2024 who are interested in publishing an article in one of the listed journals must ensure that their submission complies with all the items listed below. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned to the authors.


1. Submission of "Abstract" and "Full Paper" must be done electronically through the FrappeHub submission system. Refer to the link below: https://conference.frappehub.com/event/73/


2. The article should be formatted according to the journal template and submit it through the FrappeHub submission system.


3. The article must fall within the scientific scope of the journal.


4. The article should be original and should not have been previously published or be under consideration by other journals.


5. The ELECRiS 2024 papers submitted for journal publication must have similarity level less than 25%.


6. Please use the Word template provided. As a summary, please ensure the following:

  • The number of pages is between 10 - 15 pages (including references).
  • The manuscript must be written in good English.
  • Paper in word format.
  • The paper includes the author name and affiliation (full address including country).
  • There are no page numbers, or headers and footers, within the paper.
  • All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
  • Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References used Chicago style.
  • Figures are placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
  • A thorough proofread is conducted to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise

7. An author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present the paper at the conference physically or online.


8. The journal will publish the accepted and presented papers of ELECRiS 2024 in a regular publication.